Give it More GAS!!
Company executives shout "Give it more Gas" when they should be taking their foot off the brakes.
Companies concerned about growing business, increasing market share, becoming competitive and more innovative, often think that they have to ‘give more gas’.
They invest in the new, hire ‘entrepreneurs in residence’, work with/create ‘accelerators’, and ‘double down’ on strategies.
I am not saying that this might not be needed.
More often the root of their business velocity problem is not about
putting the foot down on the gas pedal but about
taking their foot off the brakes.
It is important to consider the stuff in your company that is pushing on the brake. These are often things like: friction with decision making, inability to access capital, a culture that punishes failure, hierarchy and territory issues, difficulty sharing information, not using data (or the right data) to make decisions etc.
Let up on the brake and you will be agile, faster, and ultimately in more control. (and this can cost less than adding more gas)
Original Linkedin Post: