Elwin Loomis


This great share and article from
Twin Cities thought leader Dr. Simone Ahuja

Got me on my soapbox this morning. heh.

For better or for worse, we love to highlight the entrepreneurs who seemingly throw caution to the wind and bet the farm and win big.

When in actuality this is not how most entrepreneurs succeed and not how most humans achieve a life of fulfillment and financial security and contentment.

Intrapreneur's are misunderstood. Considered as 'rebels' inside their corporate homes, and to the founders/entrepreneur community dismissed because perception that they don't really experience 'risk' because of a corporate safety net (and regular paycheck)

There is no shame in innovating, creating, making, determining that you are a good leader, who can execute on orders and take something that would overwhelm someone in complexity (or fill in the blank parameter) and turn a vision into reality.

It is a incredibly powerful gift.

If you do this within the confines of a company is no way indicative of a lower value than being an entrepreneur. There is huge amounts of work, risk and challenge.

Intrapreneurs are extremely valuable in orgs. They are good 'rebels' who fight the corporate antibodies and create positive change, and are not often talked about or even well known

Original link to Simone's Linkedin post: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dr-simone-ahuja-6b93a52_what-it-takes-to-innovate-within-large-corporations-activity-6857329757290336256-VN7C

Original Link to Simon's Harvard Business Review Post: https://hbr.org/2016/06/what-it-takes-to-innovate-within-a-corporate-bureaucracy

Original link to my linkedin post: https://bit.ly/3EiO2t0
(worth clicking on the original linkedin Post, because the comments are amazing and often the conversation is better than the original post)