Elwin Loomis

Reflections 2021

Reflecting on the year
Behind us, and in front of us.

I have often failed at #newyearsresolution . I make a good set, I give myself a good swift motivational kick, but come the next year I find that the behavior trailed off. The motivation didn’t fortify me, but had the opposite effect, leaving me with self criticism.

Until a friend of mine explained:

  • Today, is your opportunity to take care of your future self
  • Today, is the day to thank your younger self for allowing yourself to be in the place you are today.

They shared "I wake up with all these amazing memories and a sense of purpose thanks to "younger me""

This was a big reframe for me.

So if motivational resolution lists don’t work for you.
Maybe this year just take a moment.
Imagine how you want to take care of the future you.
Imagine your older self being grateful to you for what you decided today.

Every day you #RepayItForward to yourself.
Every day you are grateful for what you did yesterday to get you here.

People often ask what advice you would give to your younger self?
I would hope my older self would say,
'thank you, for caring enough for me to allow me to be in the place I am today'

I wish you all a happy New Year filled with abundance, love, connections, and joy.

thanks David Duccini for this reframe you gave me over breakfast so many years ago.

Original link to linkedin post: https://bit.ly/31k5MGq
(worth clicking on the original linkedin Post, because the comments are amazing and often the conversation is better than the original post)